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After reading and watching quite a few self help articles and motivational videos, I have gathered a list of 10 things which I feel can change your life dramatically.

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. — George Bernard Shaw

The only thing that can bring a positive change to your life is “change” itself. Let me explain. Whatever the problem may be, you are the only one who can improve your life. Leave the situation, change the situation or accept it. So here is a list of 10 things which can help you change your life.

Your life changes the moment you make a new, congruent, and committed decision. — Anthony Robbins

1. Avoid negative thinking and negative people

Negative thinking is the worst thing we all do to ourselves. “Oh, I can’t pass that exam” .”No, I can’t lose weight”.Once we entertain these kind of thoughts, we condition our mind and try to prepare it for failure. That is not a good sign. This just shows that we are already thinking about the defeat rather than concentrating on how to achieve the goal. Similarly, avoid negative people. There are going to be people who will try and tell you that you can’t do that, or you can’t achieve that. Simply ignore them. So, the first thing you need to do is to condition your brain and change your thought process. Get those negative thoughts out and let those positive thoughts in.

2. Stop watching those crap TV shows, news channels etc

Sure, a good TV series helps you relax and take your mind off work. But over the years I have seen many people simply wasting time while watching crappy shows and even news channels. I have seen people stuck in that cycle where they “binge watch” a series. As I said, it is a good idea to watch a show to relax and just take your mind off work but the problem arises when you “waste” time while watching hours and hours of television daily. The type of content you watch also matters a lot. Start watching TED talks, inspirational videos, motivational videos etc. This will have a major change in the way you think.

3. Exercise for 30 minutes everyday

You won’t believe the amount of effect exercise has on your life. Just go for a jog/brisk walk. Join a gym if you can. Basically, just go out and exercise everyday.

4. Eat healthy

Eating healthy is also something which will have a lot of effect on your life overall. The healthier you eat, the healthier you will become and you will start feeling much better in return. Just start changing your diet gradually. I am not asking you to completely stop eating your favourite McDonald’s burger, just watch what you eat and you will be surprised by the effect it has on your weight, health etc.

5. Try to play a sport atleast once a week

Choose your favourite sport and start playing it! I love badminton, and I try to play whenever I can. It’s a refreshing change for me. You just enter another world for a while. Call up a friend and go out and play!

6. Read something everyday

READ! Just read something good everyday. I am not talking about that internet crap. Read a quality article, book etc. Even 15 minutes of quality reading will help you in your day.

7. Start paying your own bills

Okay, so this one is for those of you who are still not able to make it on your own. It’s high time now. Start paying your own bills, create a strategy, find out what skills you posses and how can you convert those skills into some dollars and take action immediately. This is something which will really fire you up. Find what you love and let it kill you.

8. Write | Make to-do lists | Make notes

This is something which has helped me a lot over the years. I started writing down stuff about 2 years ago and it has had a positive effect on my life. Write anything you want. Create to-do lists, write down stuff that is bothering you. Write down your problems and also the possible solutions. Every now and then, take a sheet of paper and write down your short-term and long-term goals too. It will help you visualise your goal and force you to take action.

9. Learn to say no without explaining yourself

Yes, learn to say no. You will always know what you need to do exactly, it’s just about what you choose. Enjoy yourself, go out whenever you feel like, drink, dance and travel. But learn when to say no and how to say no. I bet many times you’ve said “Yes” when you actually wanted to say “No”. So learn to listen to your inner self, and learn to say no without explaining yourself.

10. Last, but the most important one. Start NOW

I know it’s easier said than done, but you gotta start now! No you do not have to wait for the new year. No you don’t have to wait for the next Monday or the next month, you have to “change” NOW!

Hope you liked the article. I am myself trying to get all these 10 things right and this is just my personal opinion and I feel that if you follow these 10 things you will definitely see a change in your life!

Prateek Katyal

I create ‘stuff’ on the interwebs ? ‘Stuff’ ? photos, videos, websites ?

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