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Swift - iOS

Classes, Objects, Initializers, Enumeration & Inheritance.

By January 31, 2018December 26th, 2019No Comments

This post contains certain important aspects like basics of creating classes and objects and other relevant material.

Create a class

// Created a class and set its properties.

class Car {

var color : "Black"
var seats : 5


Enumeration : Basically creating a new data type.

// creating an enum

enum CarType {
case Sedan
case Coupe
case Hatchback

// Further can be used in class - example 

class Car {
    var color = "Black"
    var numberOfSeats : Int = 5
    // Using the data type created using enum
    var typeOfCar : CarType = .Coupe

Designated initializers

class Car {
    var color = "Black"
    var numberOfSeats : Int = 5

    var typeOfCar : CarType = .Coupe
    // Creating an initialiser which is designated(compulsory)
    init(customerChosenColor : String) {
        color = customerChosenColor

Convenience initializers

class Car {
    var color = "Black"
    var numberOfSeats : Int = 5
    var typeOfCar : CarType = .Coupe

    init(customerChosenColor : String) {
        color = customerChosenColor
 // Creating convenience init - using it is not compulsory when creating an object
    convenience init(customerChosenColor : String) {
        color = customerChosenColor

Creating a method for the class

enum CarType {
    case Sedan
    case Coupe
    case Hatchback

class Car {
    var color = "Black"
    var numberOfSeats : Int = 5

    var typeOfCar : CarType = .Coupe
    init(customerChosenColor : String) {
        color = customerChosenColor

    convenience init(customerChosenColor : String) {
        color = customerChosenColor

// Method created 
    func drive() {
        print("car is moving.")


Creating the Object

// Creating a new object

let myCar = Car()
let richGuysCars = Car(customerChosenColor: "Red")

// Printing properties of the class


// method drive is only associated with myCar Object


Inheritance : Class – In Swift

// Class inherit. SelfDrive class inherits the Car class and the method in the class car called drive()

class SelfDrive : Car {
    var destination : String = "Apple Store"
    override func drive() {

// means adding the default functionality to the override being performed.
        print("Driving to " + destination)



Prateek Katyal

Prateek Katyal

I create ‘stuff’ on the interwebs ? ‘Stuff’ ? photos, videos, websites ?

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