What I learned today:
- Basics – Loops.
- Each button in Xcode has a tag.
- Basics – Do/Catch Statement.
- Playing sound in Swift.
- Global & Local Scope
// Will print numbers in a loop for number in 1...100 { print(number) } // Starts from reverse for number in (1...100).reversed { print(number) }
Buttons – Tags
Each button in Xcode has a tag. We can use sender.tag to get information regarding which button was pressed.
// Print to the console which button was pressed print(sender.tag) // Perform different tasks as per different button pressed if sender.tag == 1 { print("You pressed button one.") } else if sender.tag == 2 { print("You pressed button two.") } else { print("You pressed the other button.") }
- Extra : If you need to know anything about a function which you don’t understand in Xcode, you can hold alt key in Mac and click on that function and Xcode will display it’s details.
Global & Local Scope
- If a variable is declared inside a function then it is considered to have local scope, which means it cannot be used outside that function.
- Global scope – the variable is declared normally outside any function and can be detected by Xcode and used throughout the code.
Do/Catch Statement
// Try to do something. If not possible then throw an error. do { try } catch { print(error) }
Playing sound in Swift
// Firstly we need to import AudioToolBox import AudioToolbox // nameofsoundfile refers to the filname, extension can be .wav, .mp3 etc if let soundURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "nameofsoundfile", withExtension: "wav") { var mySound: SystemSoundID = 0 AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(soundURL as CFURL, &mySound) // Play AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(mySound);