“Work expands to fill the time available for its completion”
It’s easy to lose track of time & get lost in a project.
Timebox your projects and tasks. Fix a specific amount of time you’ll spend on that task/project, have a hard stop deadline.
“I’ll work on this task for 3 hours, no more.”
This not only helps you accomplish that task sooner but also helps you focus better. Like a sick game against time where each second counts!
Sometimes I break down a project into a number of smaller tasks & assign a time limit for each set of tasks.
This way you force yourself to fight for your time & get shit done more effectively & efficiently. It’s like a dedicated time slot. Uninterrupted – pure.
Also, to really make this work you should have a distraction free area where you can work peacefully without interruptions. Dedicate an area specially for your work, this can be like your head office where everything is done!
Tools I use for TimeBoxing
- Trello – To organise the projects & list of all tasks, no matter how small they are.
- Pomodoro Timer – Fix the amount of time devoted for your focused session. You can also use a classic stopwatch. Doesn’t really matter.