Stuff I learned/realised in 2022 & major keys for 2023:
- You are capable of far more than you think. Whatever you’re thinking 10x that.
- Your gut feeling is there for a reason.. Respect it
- Try to keep the bigger picture in mind (that will help in taking micro decisions as well)
- Get out of your head & into the real world. So much time is spilled contemplating, worrying, dwelling. Snap out of it whenever you can.
- Schedule the important things/tasks. If you don’t do it.. There’s a high chance it won’t happen. Scheduling it and giving it that extra weight will help.
- Anxious? Try to just think about what you can control in that moment. Usually that eases the mind & puts forward a more realistic picture. Since the things you can’t control, aren’t worth it anyway!
- Failing to plan is planning to fail.
- When it’s needed, show up. Always.
- Learn to say no without feeling guilty.
- Your body & mind are incredibly powerful, have faith in yourself (and genuinely 10x whatever you thought you could achieve)
- Avoid time spillage/time wasted/mindless scrolling/mindless wandering. When you don’t have defined set of things to work on, that’s when the mind starts to wonder. So try to carefully design your life.
- Protect your time, stop selling your time.
- If you sense someone around you is struggling, talk to them. It’s always the right thing to do & will go a long way.
- Work on improving your diet & fitness, most important & underrated investment you’ll ever make
- Go hard.