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Notes on Autopilot

Life will punch you, learn to care less about it.

By May 21, 2023No Comments

Sometimes, it’s not even life that directly hurts us. It’s just our own mind. It could be worrying about the future, thinking about the past or contemplating a billion scenarios.

Never let the future disturb you : You will meet it when you have to. Prepare for it, but never let it disturb you. Never let that thought over power you.

Don’t mess with things out of your control : On of the hardest things to do. Somehow we don’t have this filter. A filter to choose between what’s in our control and what’s not. You can’t imagine the amount of energy you’ll end up saving.. and also the amount of anxiety & stress you’ll get rid of. Because let’s be honest, we do end up worrying about a of things that will never even happen.

Suffering more in imagination than in reality : Stop creating those fake scenarios. Stop contemplating & thinking about what all could go wrong.

Don’t be afraid to lose what you have : Try not to get attached to your possessions. Don’t be afraid to lose what you have. If you open your eyes, in some cases you might even realise how losing that thing could actually set you free.

What’s truly upto us : Taking action & protecting our energy.

Life 10% is what happens to us & 90% how we react to it. As cliche as this may sound, I feel it’s one of the most important things to remember. Because if you know 90% depends on your reaction, you take a more calculated approach. Rather than just being thrown around by life.

TLDR : When life is being tough, learn to care less about it. Rather, just focus on things that you can actually control.

Prateek Katyal

I create ‘stuff’ on the interwebs ? ‘Stuff’ ? photos, videos, websites ?

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