PS : Just some quick notes I made for lazy people like me who want to read everything in bullet points. Please ignore the grammar and spelling mistakes, if any.
1. You can undo damage done to your gut
2. Respect your Circadian Rhythm
3. Eating after 7pm/7:30pm is a SIN. Can lead to bad liver enzymes & even diabetes later.
4. Every hormone has a sleep cycle. You need to stop eating before after sunset. (So that the cycle is set)
5. Gut is your second brain (hence the saying go with your gut)
6. There is good bacteria & bad bacteria
- You can tune your body’s bacteria. (Literally your own unique code)
- When you eat, you need to feed the bacteria
- When you eat crap food, it all gets digested in the small intestine. Then the large intestine bacteria also starts eating the crap food, it secretes dopamine, right there in the gut. And then you crave more.
- Whenever you eat something, you’re feeding 2 people – yourself and your bacteria.
- It’s in your hands now which bacteria you want to grow. Good one or bad one.
- When you eat processed food and shit food, you basically give bad bacteria more dopamine kick and it grows more and hence when you eat something actually healthy your body won’t accept it at all.
- Green Leafy Vegetables = Good Bacteria
7. When you might be craving something, but it’s actually your gut bacteria. (there was this test done with mice without taste buds, they still ended up choosing the unhealthier option – because it all goes back to what your body gets used too)
8. On an average it takes 2 weeks for your taste buds to reset.
9. Respect your body, it will shower you with so much back. Immunity, focus, health etc.
10. Expose yourself to sunlight right when you wake up, go for a walk for 10/15 minutes.
11. Recommended rest for the body is 12 hours, don’t eat anything after 7/8pm (Go to bed 11 max) – your body will love you.
12. Rule of thumb : anything that comes in a package, don’t consume it. (anything where you have to tear the package to eat, basically processed/packaged food)
13. Your GUT bacteria actually controls your immunity. (It’s responsible for it)
14. You can do YOLO if you are SOLO. If you have kids or a family, you have responsibility of keeping yourself healthy and transferring your knowledge to others.
15. Regarding nutrition labels
- You need 80gm of protein if you are like 80kg. (So 1:1)
- You should notice how much fibre the dish/package has. (important ingredient)
- A long ingredient list (more than 10 , is a red flag)
- 1gm of carbs = 4 calories | 1gm of protein = 4 calories | 1gm of fat = 9 calories (sugar free doesn’t mean healthy because there could be substitute that’s worse)
- Simple Sugar v/s Complex Sugar : Try to Avoid anything that has added sugar – natural/simple sugar is okay. For instance, Apple would have natural sugar which is okay. But packaged juice might have added sugar which isn’t.
- On a nutrition label, the first 4 items have the biggest percentage of usage in that product in terms of proportion. So if you see added sugar in the top 2 there, you know whatsup.
16. Have Breakfast if you feel hungry – not heavy, have a solid lunch. Have a light dinner and max at 7pm. Nothing post that.
17. Blend western and Indian culture : We usually pickup things like drinking, clubbing etc from the west. But a lot of them are also actually much more aware about their diet & follow a certain diet.
18. Needless to say, your gut will thank you if you exercise at-least 30 minutes everyday and it’s vital