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Swift - iOS

Basic BMI Calculator : Functions, Conditional Statement.

By January 31, 2018December 26th, 2019No Comments

In todays lecture I covered the basics of functions, conditional statements, comments and printing stuff.

Here is the code I wrote to calculate the BMI of a person.

import UIKit

func calculateBmi(weight: Double, height: Double) -> String {
    var finalBmi = weight / (height * height)
    let shortBmi = String(format: "%.2f", finalBmi)
    if finalBmi > 25 {
        return "Your BMI is \(shortBmi) , you are overweight."
    } else if finalBmi > 18.5 && finalBmi <= 25 {
        return "Your BMI is \(shortBmi) , you have a normal weight."
    } else {
        return "Your BMI is \(shortBmi) , you are underweight."

print(calculateBmi(weight: 85, height: 1.8))

The formulae used for calculating the BMI is -: weight(kg) / height(in meters) * height(in meters)

What the code basically does:

  • Creates a function which takes weight and height as input. (used double instead of Int, to facilitate use of decimals)
  • finalBmi contains the method of calculating BMI
  • shortBmi basically restricts the output to 2 decimal places
  • If BMI is greater than 25 then return a certain statement to the user, if not then return another statement.
  • Finally used print to log the output to the console.


Prateek Katyal

Prateek Katyal

I create ‘stuff’ on the interwebs ? ‘Stuff’ ? photos, videos, websites ?

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